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Who we are

We are the advice centres for countering discrimination
(Servicestellen für Antidiskriminierungsarbeit).

The advice centres are independent. They are staffed by a range of people involved in supporting and empowering people looking for advice on and affected by discrimination.

At present, there are 42 advice centres in NRW.

The advice centres are run by six charitable organisations: AWO, Caritas, Diakonie, DRK, Jüdische Gemeinden and Der Paritätische NRW. Each advice centre works independently.

The advice centres are part of the »Integrationsagenturen NRW« programme and are funded by the State of North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry for Children, Youth, Family, Refugees and Integration (Ministerium für Kinder Jugend, Familie, Gleichstellung, Flucht und Integration).